Our RVing History.
We have been camping since about 1989. Our first RV was a 28 foot 1985 Terry Trailer and a Chevy Suburban to pull it. Tristan and Addie were small then and we all enjoyed it. Some of our trips with the trailer include:
- A trip to Washington DC - camping near Fredricksburg VA and commuting into DC via train each day.
- Austin TX to visit our friends, the Rawsons.
- Myrtle Beach - Many times - camping at Lakewood Campground.
- NC Mountains - Maggie Valley, Lake Juneluska.
- Williamsburg VA.
In about 1995 we decided to downsize and we sold the Terry and bought a pop-up...or to be politically correct a "tent trailer". We only used it a few times, sold it and in 1998 purchased our first motorhome - a Type C 1998 Coachmen Pathfinder.
The highlight of the Coachmen was a 7 week trip from NC to CA, Oregon, Washington and back. I'll write all about that trip at another time.
That was a trip of a lifetime. Tristan and I left Monroe around the middle of June. Our goal was to get to San Francisco by July 3 where we would pick up Pam and Addie. They were going to fly from Charlotte NC to meet us there.
Us guys had a great trip through Dallas TX, Carlsbad Caverns, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley UT, and Las Vegas NV. That is where things changed for us. Tristan fell on his roller blades and broke his arm. After a trip to the emergency room.. a long trip to the emergency room in Las Vegas, we decided to stay in Vegas another couple of days so he could rest. Then we headed directly for SF to meet the rest of the family.
SF on the 4th of July was a great experience. Then we headed up the Pacific Coast Hwy, Portland Oregon, Spokane WA, and Yellowstone NP.
All that was great but the one area that stands out for me is the trip up Hwy 14 from Cody WY over to Sheridan WY across the Big Horn Mts. That is the absolute steepest road I have ever been on before or since! The views are fantastic, but beware the grades.
Mt. Rushmore was next, then the corn belt (Iowa) and back home. What a trip. We all will never forget it.
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